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I read a great piece this morning speaking about a company losing its most talented people based on employees standing on a line. On one side is where they are at and on the other is where the unknown and opportunity lies. We spend everyday with lines in all factors, standing in them, running to and through them, keeping us in bounds or the unwritten rule of not touching them. If its a solid line we aren’t supposed to pass, however that doesn’t always stop us. The difference between the dotted line and the solid line often begins to fade.

The hardest part for many is the idea of stepping across the line from where we are at to a new location. The line for many represents a part of self-doubt. If I stay on this side I know what is here, even if I’m not happy and really want a change this is my safe zone. If I were to cross what happens? Will I be happy? Often times we get so consumed with being complacent we try to trick ourselves in being happy. Everything around us is falling apart but the line keeps us in our location. There are times we try to drag someone from their “comfort zone” across the line which makes things worse. We have to learn that sometimes the best method of help is to sit and just be there for that person. When they’re ready then walk beside them across that line. There are times you may have to carry someone across the Line, but make sure they are ready to go.

Coaching sports for as long as I have I have dealt with lines for everything. Growing up we had to run lines (or Suicides, if you’re old like me). All too often what happened in those drills, people wouldn’t touch the line, they would stop short. Which meant punishment for others if Coach saw. It also showed you couldn’t complete something and were looking to take a shortcut. I still have to run lines in some of the classes I take at the Gym. Watching others everyone does it a little different. Some will stop and reach down and touch the line with their hands. Some will only touch the lines with their feet. While others will work hard to never slow down and try to get through the lines as fast as possible. Watching others run lines is a perfect example of how they will handle hardships and struggle. Will they work through the pain and finish? Or will they try to shortcut things and cause more problems? I have been on both sides before. The idea when I was younger was lets get this done as fast as possible. If coach isn’t watching we are good. In that thinking I was cheating myself. I was cheating my Coach, my teammates and those they believed in and supported me. For some it’s a competition. I have to be first and if it takes cheating to do it then that’s what I will do. Not only have you not touched the line but now you have crossed another. Trying to cheat or shortcut our problems often times leads to more. As a coach I want guys who are going to run and touch every line, who are going to finish regardless of the outcome.

To follow along with the sports thinking. Lines are often our boundaries. They keep the ball in play, make it foul or fair, in-bounds or out. The Foul-Line in Baseball and the out-of-bounds line in other sports are Lines that are often argued. In Baseball if the ball is on the line its fair. In other sports if the ball or foot hits the line you’re out of bounds. Results often come down to inches did the ball or player touch the line, did they cross the line. We have to put our faith in an individual or a group of individuals that they have seen exactly what occurred. Their judgement may not be in line with what we saw or thought we saw. Go to a game of any type and you will hear parents, fans and the couch Coach yelling in disagreement about a line call. It’s crazy that something that is typically stationary and doesn’t move becomes the point of contention for many. To add to the Baseball Foul-Line it is something that many believe is an unwritten rule to not step on. Players, Coaches and the likes will step over, they will jump over whatever it takes to not come into contact with the line. Why, because to most if you touch the line you will bring about bad luck.

And finally a line that many can’t stand is one that involves them waiting. We are so much in a hurry to be somewhere else that anything that involves waiting brings about anger and a flip in a switch to our internal darkside. Some people refuse to go to places that they will have to wait in line, unfortunately for those in that thinking it’s about everywhere now. This leads back to the original point of some not being able to step across the line. We have become so fixated on rushing that we often miss things. We don’t stop and enjoy the sights, the sounds, and the company that comes with being in a line.

Whatever your line is don’t be afraid of it. Many of us are right there with you, toes on the line and not knowing what to do. Will I cross or will I stay put? Can I tip-toe and stay in bounds or will I trip and step out? Whatever you decide finish it. Touch each line, run through them with your head held high. If you need help ask someone to take that step with you. If you need someone to take that step with you, I’m here!

Enjoy your day and that step across your line.