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The expression you will only live once is one I grew up hearing.  As I got older that changed to you only die once but live everyday.  We can look at both of those expressions and see inspiration as well as some doubt.  Some face each day doubting why we’re here and what is my purpose.  Some fear death so much that they stop living.

I will be honest there was a time that I thought what am I doing.  I have had so many great people in my life but that thought still surfaced of is there truly a purpose for why I’m here.  I know for me and I’m guessing others that thinking can take over.  How do you handle the cloudiness of doubt?

When doubt becomes your thinking then progression begins to slow or stop.  I wrote a quote in a morning message recently that said some see darkness in the light, while others see the light in the darkness.  How do you see your day?  Do you allow doubt to take over or do you take over your doubt?

I have a simple yet often complex goal each day of trying to be better than I was the day before.  I often fail and sometimes fail over and over.  I’ve learnt over time that failure is my key to learning, growing and living.  But for some failure is such a struggle that they stop trying.  They will give up on a dream and themselves when sometimes all it takes is one more moment, one more try.

As a parent I know I struggle with am I giving my kids everything they need to succeed, to live their life to their greatest purpose.  Often times though what I think may be best may not be what they think is best for them.  I have to be willing to let “go” of what I think sometimes and let them Live Their Life.  Are they going to make a mistake and fail, sometimes but they are going to learn, grow and live.

The greatest gift and ability I can give them is that I’ll always be there for them.  Now that they’ve gotten older sometimes its at a distance.  It’s building a solid foundation of faith, family and love that hopefully lets them live their life everyday.

Today is your day!  Go enjoy it!  Live it up!  If it’s a struggle and you need a light in your darkness or a shadow in your light now that others are there living it with you.   If you need a voice or an ear I will be there!