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When I was in the 6th or 7th grade I was at a friends house and we started calling girls from our school. We said were conducting a survey for the school asking all the girls to name their top 10 most attractive guys from our class.  As the calls continued I began to notice my name was not showing up on many lists.  It was great reminder then and even more so now with where I’m at in my life that we don’t stand out or appeal to everyone.  I was told last year I didn’t win an award I was nominated for because not enough people knew me.  At the end of the day all it takes is one person to believe and want you on their list.

The problem we often face with that part is we don’t recognize, we hide from or are afraid to admit our feelings.  We have all been in a situation where our “friends” didn’t deem it “cool” to hang or talk with certain people who aren’t on their list.  Alto-often its the people who don’t make that list that turn out for the better. There are people in our lives that make everyday better, those are the people that should be at the top of your list.  The hardest part for some to accept is that just because you have someone at the top of your list that person may not have you on theirs.

Going back to my those calls when I was 12/13 years old I found out the hard way.  The person I had at number one on my list then never once thought of me at all.  We have all been through it, we didn’t make their list.  We got rejected.  We were an after thought.  Or you make it the one I heard a lot, I like you as a friend.  Your inspiration and motivation can and will take a hit.  There’s a quote by Dr. Seuss,  that should keep you inspired.  To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world.

A chance encounter, a glance and subsequent stares from across a crowded room started my forever list. I found someone who helped me inspire to be me then and continues to support my inability to say no now.  She quickly become #1 on my list and luckily I made it on her’s.  Obstacles and speed bumps are going to be apart of all journeys.  However, knowing you have someone who can help you navigate those makes each day better.

We all struggle with not being accepted by everyone.   If you’re my age, you wanted to make everyone’s top 10 list on MySpace.   If you weren’t in someone else’s you probably removed them from yours.  It was so important at the time to make that list.  Where is that list now?  Like many things over time, it’s been forgotten or thrown away.  Which is a great reminder in life, sometimes we only give enough to make the list.  We should strive to remain on the list and build upon it.

Don’t be satisfied just making the list.  My forever list gets pieces added each day.

Enjoy your day!