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So much in sports and life is decided by one pitch/one event.  The difference between success and failure.  The difference between wins and losses are often decided by one pitch.  You can put so much time and effort into something and then the outcome is dictated by one thing.  On the flip side you only have to do something one time to find success.

I workout with a friend and our motto is simple, I can do anything one time.  I try to take that thinking into coaching and my everyday life.  Coaching a game built on failure presents a lot of challenges.  Players, coaches and parents sometime struggle with not winning a game or a situation within the game.  Staying composed and understanding that I will not always be successful with that one time mindset presents its hurdles.  You can go 0-4 and still help your team win as well you could go 4-4 and your team loses.  Which one is better?

The difference between winning and losing, moving forward or moving backwards is often inches.  Often times one mistake, one bad pitch, one loss leads to more.  Mistakes like a sickness once one occurs they spread.  How do you stop the spread?

Sometimes all it take is ONE person to show you they care.  ONE person can help transform a nervous or struggling person to someone who finds success.  Never discredit your impact on another.  You have the ability to make or win a day for another by simply being you.

Watching the growth of those around me is the wins I long for.  You’re not going to be successful everyday but you have the ability to find success everyday.  You are one pitch away from helping yourself and those around you to be better.

Enjoy your day!