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We live our lives through pictures. Some are in color and others are in black and white. Some of us will spend a lifetime trying to get our look right for those pictures.

I posted a photo with this piece, first off an apology for this and other shirtless pictures. Here’s one of my reasons for posting it, I’ll give the other in a minute. I used to be chubbier when I was younger. My family is on the larger size, it’s in my DNA. I was told when I was younger I was unattractive. In fact a girl I “dated” in fourth grade even when we got older said it was the worst mistake of her life, based on my looks. I was told I needed to lose weight, then on the flip side was told if I added some weight, muscle, I would be attractive. I was never looked at as the best looking guy. We have all been in a room and looked around gauging if you were the most attractive one there. Those comments got to me when I was younger. I began to let other peoples comments on my how I looked shape how I needed to look or at least how I thought I should look. I began to dislike what I saw in the mirror. I disliked what I thought others were seeing and going to say. I dated a few girls in high school but there was one girl I really liked that I never asked out because I thought she was too pretty for me.

I finally began to listen to what I wanted. I trusted my own thoughts and how I looked in the mirror. I pushed myself and continue to push myself to be healthy not only for myself but for my boys. I want to set an example of what hard work can get you and how you can be confident in how you look regardless in what others say. I still see the thinking in others that I had when I was younger. They let comments and others opinions dictate how they think they should look. Be confident in who you are, what you are and how you look. Never let others comments or opinions overtake your own. Take pride in being you. Take pride in the what the picture will look like. The best part of most pictures is the memory it holds. Again the other reason I posted the picture was to show my imperfections. To show what I see in the mirror and to show who I’am.

Enjoy the memory! Enjoy your picture!