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Video game lovers are excited as the new Madden game is about to be released. With that being said the player ratings for the game came out recently. This resulted in people comparing themselves to their video game avatar.

Several players were upset with what they thought were a low rank for themselves. They went to social media to complain and boycott the game. It goes to show you that making $15 million dollars and having that many fans looking to you still doesn’t make you happy when someone ranks you lower than what you believe you should be.

This isn’t isolated to just a game ranking. It happens everyday to the “Regular Joe” and his 9-5 job. It happens to the mom who cooks and cleans. It happens to the child who just wants to fit in. We all want to be valued to a level that often times we don’t feel we get.

We have the mindset that we are all at a certain level, a certain rank. How do we handle when are not ranked to the level we believe we should? Blame others? Boycott people, places, things? Go on social media rants? Some use it as motivation. A few out there don’t care what others say or how they are ranked. They know who they are and what they can do. A ranking isn’t going to change their mindset and how they move forward on their path.

Going back to the Madden ranks. Does a game ranking really define you as a player and person? Does a game ranking help you play the actual game you have played your entire life? Most who have played Madden or other games have probably created themselves and have ranked themselves. How is the ranking? Probably 99’s across the board, if you are going to be in the game you want to be the best.

When we are judged to be average or below our perceived ranking of our self we get defensive. We struggle with the idea of not being the best or that others are better. We struggle with the idea that others don’t see us in the same light that we see ourselves. We struggle with the truth. One of the greatest movie lines ever, ” You can’t handle the truth”

Learn that everyone see’s things and people differently. Some people are jealous of you and your accomplishments. Some times your best isn’t good enough. Some times your worst is still better than others best. At the end of the day, be you. Take the ranking you are given. Work to improve it if its not where you believe, use it as motivation. Know that you are a 99 to someone and that someone believes in you for simply being you.

Enjoy your day!