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Inspire WV

Inspiration thru words and actions.™


Originally, this started off as a blog. Tim write a bunch of inspirational stuff. You can find that here.


These days, we find it easier to just talk. Listen to the latest episodes of the Inspire WV podcast or subscribe here.

Give up, Give in or Give it your all

I've heard the expression GIVE UP, GIVE IN or GIVE IT YOUR ALL several times in my life.  At times I have personally wanted or have done all three.  I had a great childhood with a loving family that supported me every step of the way.   There was still times of self...


It's in our nature to look for the shortcut in everything we do.  Some will spend more time trying to find the shortcut than the time it would take to get the task done.  I, like many see the expected time of arrival on a GPS as not the time of arrival but my time to...

Is your Goal a Challenge?

I sent out a 30 day challenge to my baseball team yesterday.  I've asked several times for my guys to do some extra work, be it push ups, squats, etc.  Yesterday, I know for sure two of my guys started the challenge.  Sometimes we embrace the challenge while other...

Having a job vs Having a career

I've been employed by the same company for 16 years, during that time I've worn different hats, performed different job functions and roles.  During this time I have also coached youth sports, worked as VP of a non-profit and wrote for a couple of websites.  I say...

Being Famous

At some point in your life you have probably wished to be famous, a movie star, singer, athlete and so on.  People want the attention, the fame and fortune.  However, for most we don't get the level that we have wished or dreamed about.  I for one wanted to play...

Should I yell or not?

As a parent and coach one way to get attention quickly is to yell. Sometimes the attention isn't good with that action though.  Some kids react positively to it, while others shut down.  You have to know your audience and know when you can and should use the yell. I...

Is Fantasy becoming a Reality?

Fantasy sports have become a way of life for many.  Throw in social media and people are living their lives through fantasy sports. People attack players for not playing or getting their projected points.  A fantasy player feels they are apart of the game because they...

The end

Today the new Avengers trailer dropped, first off wow.  Can't wait to take the boys to see the outcome.  A part of the trailer really stood out to me, not the story, characters or pictures it was a simple quote.  Robert Downey Jr said "Part of the journey is the...


I've often been asked what is my biggest fear. The answer to that is being a failure, albeit in sports, life or most importantly failing as a father.  My purpose in this journey changed 13 years ago and then multiplied more than six years ago when I become a father. ...