Your Title
I've been called many things in my life. Sometimes those titles were not flattering, while others mean everything to me. My job titles over the years have been all over the place. Growing up in Southern WV like many of my Monroe Country brothern I started out...
Coaching is a big enough challenge, trying to ensure you have enough players to play, trying to get field's ready, working around schedules and weather and so on. Throw into that mindset coaching your own son and that challenge now grows to another level. You are...
Sometimes your shadow hides who you really are. Your confidence, wants and desires can stay hidden. Don't be afraid to let them out of the shadows. That was today's quote to Deuces, when I wrote it, it triggered some deep thinking. Why do we change ourselves to make...
When being broken isn’t bad
Like many things in life, when something is broken we simply throw it away, replace it and move on. However, the one thing that once it's broken it's hard for many to move on from is yourself. We have a hard time coming to grips with admitting when we're broken, in...
What Defines You?
Do you look at your title, your job or possibly your name as the definition of you? Each of these are aspects of you. Each contribute to you make up of who you are. Let's dive deeper into each one and what I feel defines you. Your title, like many out there I've...
The Let Down
Being a sports fan can be tough. My team has given me highs and lows, joys and tears. I've experienced moments of pure jubilation and times of pure heartbreak. I've beat my chest and couldn't talk because I lost my voice from yelling. I've also not talked for days...
I had to work traffic yesterday at church. I watched the masses exit the building in full sprint to their cars because it was raining. People darted in front of cars because they didn't want to get wet. As I'm standing there getting wet the thought arose, why is...
Do you have a quiet place?
My life like so many is a constant blur as I'm running from one event to another. With everything going around around me there's even more going on in my head. I'm to the point now where I'm scheduling meetings after meetings on weekends to ensure activities, groups...
Being from West Virginia
If you grew up or have lived in West Virginia for any time you know all so well the stereotypes. How do many somehow forget or never learned that there's actually 50 states in the US? There's also, when you get asked where you're from, you respond with WV and that...