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Inspire WV

Inspiration thru words and actions.™


Originally, this started off as a blog. Tim write a bunch of inspirational stuff. You can find that here.


These days, we find it easier to just talk. Listen to the latest episodes of the Inspire WV podcast or subscribe here.

Comfort Zone

Many people go through life content in their comfort zone or "bubble". They may look at stepping out and trying something but then fear, embarrassment and other feelings take over. One of my best feelings is seeing someone take that step out.  To see them overcome...

Be Consistent

A difficult trait for all of us is being consistent. In sports you see and hear it all to often, that team played down or played up to their competition.  The color or name on a jersey can change a team that much. We can do a task over and over and get different...

Are manners still apart of family learning?

In early August we went on vacation, visited Hershey Park, Amish Country and Cooperstown.  It was a great family vacation, however I did observe something that surprised and upset me at Hershey Park.  I witnessed an unbelievable amount of rudeness.  It came from all...

Learning to Lose

In today's world, the participation trophy area, people are finding it harder and harder to overcome failure.  Harder and harder to handle losing.  The entitlement and me first motto of many is a hard thing to witness. For me growing up, you had to tryout to make a...

Being Replaced

We are faced everyday with two options, being replaced or being the replacement.  Let me explain.  I had a conversation with upper level management recently and the statement was made.  If I were to leave the company today, I would push for you to be my replacement. ...


We live in an era of comparison.  Whatever one does it's usually compared to someone else. The constant debate now is it Jordan or Lebron. To me that's like comparing which child I like better.  They're both great, however both are different and their own person....

When your failed Dreams become a better reality

The idea behind this blog has been a topic that I have wrestled with in my head for a long time. Many times I feel like I failed to live up to what I wanted to be and ultimately feel that has let my family down. I wanted to do more and be able to provide my family...

Are you afraid to be you?

I've seen or heard others often say I don't like to hear my own voice or I don't like how I look in a photo. We spend our life time worrying about how we look and how others see us. What do you see when you look in the mirror? There are two side to this, one will say...

Do you ever want to reach your potential?

You hear it all too often, they have a ton of potential.  Or wait till you reach your potential.  We spend a lifetime looking back or planning the future instead of living in the now. As a coach I've been guilty of saying it myself, that player has some potential,...