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Inspire WV

Inspiration thru words and actions.™


Originally, this started off as a blog. Tim write a bunch of inspirational stuff. You can find that here.


These days, we find it easier to just talk. Listen to the latest episodes of the Inspire WV podcast or subscribe here.

Empty Tank..

My wife tagged me in a social media post this morning about actually getting gas before she was on E. It's a running joke with her as everytime and I mean EVERYTIME I get into her car she has about 20-30 miles before she's on E. So, the joke also has a touch of if you...

When we are no longer wanted

One of the worst feelings you can have is not being wanted. It's something that can occur without warning or happen over time. You can see the separation happening before your eyes yet can't stop it. It can come with an absolute blindside. It can be something that we...

Having trouble walking away

Most of us have had an experience in our lives where we had trouble walking away from something. That something usually involves a relationship with another or a career. We try to "stick it out" because we see good things in there we want to help "change" someone or...

Missing the Simple Things

How many times in life have you said, I hate I missed that? Some of the simplest things are always there, we just miss them. Sometimes it's too late before we notice them. One of the greatest movie quotes comes from Jerry Maguire, "You had me at hello." The connection...


For many the instructions we receive with our purchase don't get looked at. Typically they get put to the side until there are issues and then they're pulled out. I hear alto-often I don't need the instructions. They should be called the destruction's. We will just...

The Crystal Ball

How many times in your life have you dreamt of having a crystal ball? To be honest the crystal ball for me has and will always be the Deloren, the flux capacitor and 88 MPH. Anyway, the idea of being able to look into the future is something we all have wanted at...

Being a Friend

In our life we are constantly running from one event to the next which in turn usually limits interactions with some family and friends . Last night was no exception, Deuces was set to have a workout however decided to bypass it to go support his closest friends. His...

The Event

We have all had an event, going through an event or will face an event that makes an impact on our life. That event is something for many we question, Why did this happen to me? On the flip side, the event could be something that brings someone into your life that you...

Can you control you emotions?

There is a great quote from the movie Act of Valor, that my friend George shared with me today. I'll paraphrase it a little, No one is stronger or more dangerous than one who can harness his emotions. This spoke volumes to me especially after witnessing someone being...