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Inspire WV

Inspiration thru words and actions.™


Originally, this started off as a blog. Tim write a bunch of inspirational stuff. You can find that here.


These days, we find it easier to just talk. Listen to the latest episodes of the Inspire WV podcast or subscribe here.

When your good isn’t good enough.

I often write about sports, especially baseball as that is typically where I spend most of my time. To me there are so many things about baseball and life that go hand and hand. I sent a quote recently, Life and baseball have so much in common, some days you get the...


When you look in the mirror what do you see? Some don't like their reflection. Some try to change what they see with make-up, tattoos and so-on. Under all that it's still you in the reflection. That is the part many fail to see. We let others dictate so much in our...

Raising a Teenager

Raising a Teenager is like rolling dice, some days you get a hot streak and other days you crap out. The ability of an attitude to change with a gust of wind is hard to understand and even harder to plan for. Throw in the appeal to impress others and the end of the...


I just turned 39 last week and with that the countdown to 40 has officially began. As I sit here writing that I can't help but laugh and cringe at the same time. Man, this time next year I'll be 40. Where has the time gone? I remember being my boys ages. At seven I...

Always Learning

I have spoken at length that my main goal each day is to be better. Another goal of mine is to always learn. For me, each of these goals go hand and hand. What did I learn today that will make me better? We take for granted many things in life, being a student and...

Rush to Judge

We often rush to judge a picture before we truly admire the details.  We give it a quick glance and speed past.  That thinking often times occurs when we meet someone as well.  We try to make a rush decision on that person.  Do we like them?  Do they fit into my...

How do you define success?

You could get a different answer to this question depending on who you speak with.  Do you define success by results, by growth or by money?  All three could be popular answers to that question.  For me at times in my life each of those were an answer I would give. ...

Give up, Give in or Give it your all

I've heard the expression GIVE UP, GIVE IN or GIVE IT YOUR ALL several times in my life.  At times I have personally wanted or have done all three.  I had a great childhood with a loving family that supported me every step of the way.   There was still times of self...