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I had to work traffic yesterday at church. I watched the masses exit the building in full sprint to their cars because it was raining.  People darted in front of cars because they didn’t want to get wet.  As I’m standing there getting wet the thought arose, why is this our reaction to rain.

Let me continue, most of us shower or bathe everyday, some multiple times a day.  If you’re not one of these people, can I suggest a change.  We get wet to relax, to clean and refresh.  We go to the pool to get wet, to cool down and have fun.  However, if it rains it becomes a completely different feeling and attitude towards water.  It’s a fear of getting wet.  It’s a hate for being wet.  We try to run away from something that we often run too.

The place that amazes me the most is the pool.  If it begins to rain people get out of the water.  I actually had a person tell me they got out because they didn’t want to get wet… Wait, What?  Did you hear what you just said, am I getting punk’d?

The next time it rains, which is pretty much everyday anymore.  Take a walk or run in it, don’t run from it.  Sit and enjoy the sounds.  Relax and try to unplug and if you’re one of the non-shower people grab some soap.

Enjoy your day.