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Many of us carry physical scars with us. These come from cuts, falls, surgeries and sports. These scars are usually visible and a reminder of an event in our life. Some carry those scars with pride as its a reminder of how they overcame something. Some are looked at in disgust or embarrassment of something that happened. It’s the scars we don’t see that are often the most painful.

The emotional scars of loss, of being rejected or not wanted that weigh on us the longest. We try to hide those scars, we don’t want them seen which usually results in more scars. These scars impact our daily life. They take you away from being you as well as taking you away from the people who care and love you. How many times have you seen or know someone is hurting? How many times have you witnessed things in someone that you know is not okay? Yet, you let their answer of “I’m fine” persuade you. You don’t have to see a scar to know someone is hurting.

Don’t look back later and say I wish I would have helped. I wish I could have done something. You had the opportunity and let is pass. We have all uttered those words, I wish this or I wish that. Make that wish a reality. Be there when others need it the most. A scar can be healed, it may still leave a mark or a sign of hurt, but with love and care can be mended.

For those who are carrying the scars. If someone is there for you, open up. Let them in. Know that someone is there for you. They care! When you have someone in your corner in both good times and bad you have something and someone special. Don’t push them away. You don’t have to shoulder a burden all by yourself. All too many times we have this notion we can do everything on our own, we can face obstacles head on. There are times you need someone there to help you through. You need another set of hands, someone to pick you up when you fall. If a hand is stretched out to help you up, grasp it and don’t let go.

One of the greatest gifts you can give anyone is to care. It doesn’t cost anything, its simple all you have to do is be there for someone else. If you are willing to help others, then when you need help there should be someone there for you. Don’t carry the burden of your scars on your own. If you are carrying a scar and need help, reach out to a friend. If you’re reading this and need someone I’m here.

Enjoy your day !