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We are all facing uncertain times. Things that have been part of our routine have halted or stopped completely. We got news yesterday that we are looking at moving into a new phase of allowing us to slowly move back into what we have deemed our “normal” life. So many are upset and hurt about all the things that have been lost, Dances, Graduations, Games and so-on. Memories and the people we want to make them with have been put on extended pause. Family and friends haven’t been able to come together to celebrate birthdays, holidays and other milestones. Practices and the games / activities that were being worked on by so many were just stopped.

Those activities and so much more that have been the inspiration for many to do and be who we are. With these things being stopped or canceled a lot of things and people have lost that inspiration. We see and hear of people struggling during this time. When you hear someone say I have no inspiration or have lost my inspiration its tough. However, some haven’t stopped their preparations. They have stayed inspired to finish what they started. I will be honest I really like my house and feel lucky to have it but I’m growing tired of seeing it. I miss my people and being able to interact with them at the places that have become our comfort zone. I continue to look at my calendar of all the things I’m supposed to be doing and it hits me in the feels. I know this time can’t be stopped and we won’t get it back. But that hasn’t stopped me from trying to inspire myself and others. I have continued to do my challenges and try to get others to do them with me. Often times the hardest step is the first one. Not wanting to be on our own or afraid of the looks or comments of others because we put ourselves out there. I’ve watched several who have used this time to truly focus on improving themselves in all aspects. The work and dedication to their “craft” has been an inspiration to me. To know that even in this unknown time people are still pushing themselves to be better.

I have sent texts and other messages to several of my guys reminding them of how much they mean to me and that I hope they have stayed inspired to get to where they were planning. A lot of our life has been interrupted by this, it will come to an end in some shape, form or fashion… sorry had to. When we go back to that “normal” part of our life we will be able to see who took the time off and who continued to stay inspired and worked. My inspiration is probably not going to be the same as yours. The things and people who inspire me may not inspire you. As long as you have something or someone who inspires you that is what matters most. If you read this today and can’t think of an inspiration or a person who inspires you, then YOU be that person. A lot of times in my life I doubted myself and what I could accomplish. I had people say I couldn’t do something. Writing this blog has helped me so much, to have others reach out and say that my words have helped them. To hear others say, hey your challenges have helped me to workout. One of the greatest things that has inspired me was having a player send me a text about being the best coach they’ve had. For my birthday I had another player send me a text saying Happy Birthday and then saying thanks for teaching me all I know today about life and about baseball. Thanks for pushing me to achieve more and to be the best person I can be. Everytime I read that I tear up a little, but it also inspires me to continue to do and be who I am. With each of those examples my inspiration gets extra fuel to my fire.

Through interruptions, good times and bad we have to continue to move forward. As Desmond Doss quoted from his mission on top of Hacksaw Ridge. After I got one, I prayed give me the strength to get ONE MORE. His inspiration to save lives resulted in him helping 75 fellow soldiers off the battle field. I’ve stated this many times, my inspiration and goal each day is to be better than I was the day before. I will continue to push and attempt to inspire those around me. To see where I began my journey, the hardships and happiness along the way has been a true inspiration. Okay, going to pull another movie quote if you are struggling or have doubts the know; You have a friend in me.

I hope you won’t let anything stop you from being inspired or to be an inspiration to others.

Thanks and Enjoy your day!