Over the last week we have had some painting done at our house. This morning while I was getting ready for work I looked at the blank wall above my bathroom sink. For years there’s been a mirror hanging there. I’ve looked, I’ve stared and I’ve gotten ready looking at that reflection. Much like this last week for me, so many will stare at that blank wall for their reflection. Some look at the mirror and still sees blankness.
If anything Covid has taught us that the Blank Wall for many has grown. Being alone, being isolated has taken a toll on all of us. The hardest place to be stuck is in your thoughts. You never know what another is thinking or how alone their thoughts truly are. Throughout the time of this pandemic we have seen and heard of so much loss. Many struggled with being alone and staring at that blank wall. We talked on the podcast on some of those stories, Hayden Hunstable dealing with social isolation, Drew Robinson being alone and began hating himself. Most recently with the Olympics Simone Biles putting her mental health over medals has raised debate.
Hayden took his life four days prior to his 13th birthday. The lockdown took away activities, interrupted normal routine and isolated from friends and family. As a parent you think everything is okay, but none of us were prepared for what was happening and how to help others handle this. Hayden’s parents started an organization called Hayden’s Corner to raise awareness for parents and pre-teen and teenage kids.
Drew Robinson was a baseball player who had made it to the Major Leagues. He began to bounce back and forth from the majors to the minors. During the lockdown he couldn’t see his family and began to struggle with the game. He mentioned coming home, sitting on his couch and just starting at the (blank) wall. He said he began to hate the person he was becoming and tried to take his life. He was able to return and play the game, recently he retired to take a front office position to help others dealing with similar struggles.
Simone took a step back to focus on herself and her mental state. So many armchair athletes took to social media to bash her decision. She is judged differently in her ability because she’s deemed too good. In a skill set that requires you to be at your very best every time out she was told she has to be even better. She is a special young lady and someone who is going to help so many more with this decision.
In these cases and in so many more the reflection of the blank wall and the comparison to others take a toll on us all. We have all been told at some point in our life you have to be better. You have to do better than this other person. We are judged by how we compete with others. Yet, the competition with ourselves is what often takes the biggest toll.
Our sociality has also become so depended on electronic devices to communicate and interact with others that we have lost human connection to others. Now, yes a phone call, a facetime call with a family or friend during this time is important. But sitting in a car and communicating via a phone to the person beside you because you don’t feel comfortable talking. Go to a restaurant and see how many people are buried in their phone. We are building that blank wall between us and others.
Take a moment today, put the device down and talk to someone. Tell them they look nice, their hair looks great. Smile! Laugh! Hug someone! Someone needs it.
Enjoy the day!