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We all experience The Chase. Each of us however maybe chasing something different. We chase money, jobs, affection and desire to be wanted. As kids we chase wanting to fit in, friendship and love. As a teenager we chase everything mentioned and then add in hope for a relationship. As young adults we chase the plan for our future, our career and our partner. As an adult we chase the bills, planning for kids or the plan to raise our kids. We chase time and how to spend it with our loved ones. Add in the chase for how to maintain a lifestyle with a job and how to plan for retirement. As an older adult we chase attention and the desire to get time with our loved ones. We chase boredom, being alone and the feeling of being unwanted.

From the day you are born till your end we are in The Chase. Think about what you’re chasing. Is it worth the time or effort? Am I chasing the wrong things? Do I need help with my chase? Is someone else controlling my chase?

When it’s our time to end The Chase do you want to have regrets? Don’t chase away the ones who care, support and love you.

Enjoy your day and The Chase!