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How many times in your life have you dreamt of having a crystal ball? To be honest the crystal ball for me has and will always be the Deloren, the flux capacitor and 88 MPH. Anyway, the idea of being able to look into the future is something we all have wanted at times in our life. To know how things turn out for not only yourself but your loved ones.

I look at my life, there’s been triumphs, defeat, struggles and jubilation. There’s been times of doubt; Did I make the right decision? Those times led to the thought and hope to have that object to be able to see how things played out. Should I have changed my decision? I look at my career. I would love to know is this the path I should be on, will a detour come along. Should I pump the brakes and take another route? We all stress on that thinking, the idea of not having a job, not having the job we want, fiances, and how are we going to make it. I get nervous and I stress myself alot with not knowing how things will play out. We worry so much on what we don’t know, what we can’t control that we let the things we can slip.

For me, the thought and worry of my boys takes most of my thinking though. To have that object to see what they future holds for them is something I often wish for. To know if they’ll be okay. Is their path one built on strength and stability? Will they have the right people in their corner? Will they appreciate the people who are there for them? Will they have a strong person or group of people on that path with them? Will the people that matter most now continue to be their support system moving forward? Speed bumps will pop up, will they slow down or try to speed past. I know they are going to fail and I’m okay with that. Learning how to pick yourself up from a failure is something that is one of our strongest traits and best life lessons. They are not going to make the best decisions all the time. That is another aspect of growing and learning. However, I want to see if they will continue to believe in themselves, continue to work hard and support and care for the ones that mean the most to them.

If you had the option to own that object, the crystal ball (or Deloren if you’re like me). Would you do it? Would you want to know every step you’re going to take later in life? There’s things we all can do to know what will happen at the end. It’s the point from birth till then that needs to be filled in. Some are living their life like that of Russian Roulette, they spin the chamber and hope by chance they picked the right one. Even for some if we had that object would it change things. Every decision we make has a ripple effect on yourself and others. That is still a part that for most we don’t see, we don’t understand or we don’t care about.

One of my favorite quotes, When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen. Would having that crystal ball change your story?

Enjoy your day!