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We all face each day on this approach, we are ascending the ladder, we are descending the ladder or we are stuck on a rung and can’t move. Some fear the climb and the height you have to go to get over the top. Some continue to find themselves going up and down constantly. Some remain content on staying put. While a few are never satisfied and will continue to look for a bigger ladder.

Some will work as quickly as possible to get to the top, they may take short-cuts, skip a rung or two on the ascend. Some are diligent in their approach. They take each rung one at a time, the ol’ slow and steady motto. Others will plan to move quickly, but then find themselves hesitating. They may stop, some will take a few steps up and then climb back down. The last approach is one we all face at times, the fear to climb at all. We start to ascend and then something takes over and we can’t move. We can get our foot off the ground.

When we search for our ladder do you automatically go to the biggest one when a smaller one will get the job done? Or do you try to use the smaller ladder to reach for something that’s out of our reach. Bigger is not always better, sometimes we can’t handle the bigger ladder on our own. We fail to ask for help and often drop the big ladder or knock something over trying to do it on our own. The smaller ladder is one we usually can handle on our own, it’s one that allows us to reach the small goals even if we have to climb to the top. We surpass the last rung and stretch from the top to grasp at our objective. No matter which ladder you decide to use, you should ask for help. Never be afraid or ashamed to seek out help or assistance.

A person can fall from either ladder. Either ladder can slip. Our ground is not always even we often face a hard or rough surface. There will be bumps along the way. We can’t be afraid to descend to move the ladder to a better spot to start our ascend again. There are times that our ascend may come into contact with someone else’s. How do we handle that approach? Do we stop and help? Do we bypass them and never look back? Do we stop if they pass us? Or do you work together to ensure you both make it to the top?

There are many ways to approach the ladder. How do you approach the ladder?

Enjoy the day and your approach.