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I was moved and touched with a conversation I was apart of last week.  You will get to hear it soon, I can’t wait as it was such a powerful moment for me.  Part of this conversation was with someone who’ve I’ve never met, however after a few minutes felt like I’ve known forever.  He is a person of strong faith and much like myself born with the inability to say no.  To hear his story and feel the connection between our lives and journeys was amazing.  We ended the conversation with him asking if he could pray with me.  The things he prayed about, Performance and Grace,  are things I’ve been thinking about.  I literally looked around the room after as I felt as though he was here with me, when in fact he lives in Oklahoma.

We often struggle with our faith.  At times we are afraid to show it. We question things and events that happen to us.  We get upset when what we feel are bad things occur.  We typically react with blame or finger pointing instead of trusting the process and realizing that the main thing is the main thing.  Failure and experiencing the “bad” things are parts of all our journeys.  Learning, growing and understanding are the aspects that not all of us let happen.

We are going to question when things don’t go as we had hoped or planned.  Often times we learn and get more out of the things that didn’t occur than if it had.  I have been battling myself lately because of things that have been promised and things that I want to happen.  I have been so drawn into what hasn’t happened that I’m letting things that are going on get missed.  I’ve overlooked important events and people because I’ve been so focused on that promise.  I have watched people and selfishly wanted results for them that I want to see.  Maybe that’s not what they want or have prayed on.  My goal or wish for someone else may not fall into line with their own visions.

To know that a person I’ve never met took the time in a conversation to listen and learn about me and then pray on two aspects that I’ve been thinking about.  The things he prayed about are things I haven’t spoken on to anyone is a true sign of how strong faith is.  We often miss or overlook signs or people who have our best interest.  We take for granted the aspect of faith and what it truly does for each of us.  We still pray before most all meals, however at times depending on our company or location we bypass that.  I need to be a better leader and continue to show my family it doesn’t matter location, people, etc our faith is what matters most.

Be that person who listens and is not afraid to say a prayer with or for someone.   Never let your surroundings or people around you change your mindset or your faith.  Don’t let the most important thing be something you were afraid to do or say.  Be willing to take a chance to a make a difference for someone else.

I pray that you have a great day ahead, use your performance and grace to make today your best day yet.  If it’s a struggle know that tomorrow will be better.

Enjoy your day!