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As a child I used to love snow, watching it, playing in it, snowball fights, the works.  I remember my Dad and other adults not being as fond of it, as an adult now I understand some of that.  Watching the snow and thinking of all the work (shoveling, driving, etc) that comes along with it.  So many of us live our lives like this.  We let the joy we used to have for something or someone be pushed aside by fear and doubt.

As we get older that small snowball we pushed aside has now picked up speed and grown and grown.  As a male its been engrained in me that we shouldn’t show emotion, we shouldn’t cry as its a sign of weakness, thus that snow ball begins to grow.  Self-Doubt and Fear are two other elements that adds to the growth of ones snow ball.  We let others thoughts, words and opinions dictate our own life and living.  For many we begin to believe others know more about us than we do ourselves, thus adding to that snowball.

Before long that small snowball has continued to roll and we feel it’s no longer able to be controlled or stopped.  If we would face our challenges or ask for help we could stop that snowball.  I’ve saw and heard many say they are over this weather we’re having and ready for spring.  Again, that’s adding to our internal snowball, we wish time away and then complain that time is moving too fast.  Learning to enjoy what we have is so hard, as we always want more.

I dropped the boys off at school today and thought I heard a noise in my truck.  My first thought I wish I could win the lottery to afford more.  It’s been a thought that I’ve had over and over in my head.  The wish to be able to give my family and friends more, yet you being you is all your family and friend want.   We all struggle with some doubt or our own thoughts at times.    But as a great friend tells me often, we never have to face more than we can handle.

It may seem at times that there’s nothing further from the truth than that statement, but stop for a moment and think.  When I feel my lowest or it feels the darkest something or someone is always there for you.  The darkest night is followed by the brightness of morning.  Know that everytime you feel your snowball is too much to handle there is someone ready to stand beside you.  Sometimes all a person needs is a wave, a smile or a simple Hi to know you’re there for them.

My challenge to you today is begin to enjoy the things you used to.  Don’t let your snowball consume you!  You have people who love, care and will be there to help.  If you doubt that, I will be in your corner.  The greatest gift you can give another is your time.

Enjoy your day!