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Many of us strive to be perfect in whatever we do.  However, our expectation is often dashed by the reality that being perfect in an imperfect world is often unreachable.  How do we handle that adversity?  Some take it in stride and try to work harder to reach their idea of being perfect.  While others and from my experiences more often than not point fingers or blame for something not being perfect.

In a world where human error is apart of one’s everyday life why do we have to point fingers or blame at others.  Errors, mistakes and life is going to happen to each and everyone of us.  It’s how you handle, face and overcome those that will lead you on a path of perfect moments.  That should be what we aim for perfect moments and memories. Don’t get me wrong an imperfect moment or memory can also be something that is key in your life.  You are more adapt to learn from an imperfect situation than anything else in your life.

A perfect plan often is cluttered with imperfect moments.  I have made many a lineup card thinking this is the perfect combination of kids in the right spot with the grand vision of 100% success.  Often those perfect lineup cards are full of human elements.  The fear of failing is the usual suspect in why things happen.  Not accepting blame for being imperfect to me is a close second.  I wake up everyday trying to be the best I can for that day.  I have to accept that I will make mistakes, I won’t be perfect.  What I can do is try to be less imperfect than I was the day before.

I hope your day is full of perfect moments!

