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These last couple of weeks has brought about a lot of emotions and lack of inspiration.  I feel like we are all on our own rollercoaster.  Enjoying the excitement of the ups but then experiencing the bumps of the down.  How can we stay inspired when we only see and feel the uninspiring moments? Once we experience the bumps and downs do we continue to ride along for the ups?

Our InspireWV motto is and has been inspiration thru words and actions.  As I sit here today I can think of a laundry list of words and actions that don’t inspire.  Not now, maybe later.  Be patient, your time is coming.  Time is not guaranteed, once it passes its gone, you’re not getting it back.  Being told that patience is the answer to a question/result we want now is not inspiring.  Not now, maybe later often leads to one of two things.  You continue to wait hoping for the result you set out for or I don’t see this happening and I’m going to move on.

As a coach/boss, the hardest thing to do is make judgement calls on a player/employee.  As a parent, we are trying to lead and teach our child(ren) what we feel is right.   We are living in a world and time that no one has ever experienced. The results we are hoping for from another may not marry up to what they see or feel from their side. Being told you’re not good enough or you need extra time / work to get the point that we feel is where we need you is hard not only for the person saying it, but for the one receiving it. How do you handle that uninspiring message and try to keep your inspiration?

Are the decisions and words from a coach/boss and parent always the best?  Absolutely not.  It’s often a double-edged sword.  Decisions, actions and words are based on reactions and feels.  Our gut feeling is not 100% accurate.  Sometimes we make a decision based on fear.  We fear the idea of not knowing the end result.  We hesitate and lose something/someone because we’re afraid of losing them.  I’ve wrote on this before, but one of my favorite quotes from the movie Point Break is “Fear causes hesitation and hesitation causes our worst fears to come true.

How do we move past fear? How do we move past not now, maybe later?  Will we always get what we set out for?  No!  Being rejected, passed over and turned down is going to happen.   You control your reactions and how you respond.  Others only see what we allow them to see.

Have I made wrong decisions in my life without question?  Seeing someone take a no I gave them and work harder to prove me wrong is an inspiration for me and I hope for them.  Hearing a no doesn’t mean it’s final.  I’ve been told no, it’s not your time just be patient. I’ve sat, I’ve been patient and watched things and opportunities pass me by.  Patience is a great tool to keep in your tool belt, but it doesn’t always lead to the destination and inspiration we are seeking.

Sometimes its a leap of faith that takes those uninspiring words and actions that leads us to our true inspiration. There’s going to be struggle and doubt.  But if you can find what inspires you to be you and what you want you to be then go for it.  Take the time you have and enjoy it, don’t waste it on things that hold you back.  If there is something or someone that inspires you don’t hesitate to tell them.  This may be the inspiration they need and are searching!

I hope you find your inspiration today!