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Everybody runs, even those who say they hate running.  We run from, run to or run for something.  The problem is often we run from what we should run to.  We run to what we should run from and struggle with what we’re running for.  I’ve noticed my answer lately to the question how are you doing is usually, RUNNING.  My thoughts are getting quite the workout because they in full sprint.

I’m going to break down my three points of running above.  For many we continue to run from something that makes us happy and what we should run to.  At any and probably most points throughout this you could replace something with someone.  We are afraid to ruin or mess up what makes us happy so we run from it, often leading to unhappiness.  Excuses slow, impede and often stop our run.  We often don’t see that what we’re running from is often running step by step with us trying to remain close.  If we continue to ignore or forsake that something than the distance is going to begin to grow until that something stops running with you.

We often go from a run to a full sprint to something that we should run from.  The feeling of being alone or longing for something leads us to run after something that we probably should run from.  A short term sprint in a marathon often leads to pain and fatigue. We miss the warning signs.  We run to the dangerous or bumpy path instead of seeing the path leading to happiness.

Running for something for many is the hardest.  What we all should run for is ourselves.  Finding a purpose for our thoughts to become actions makes this run difficult.  We will run in the wrong direction because we don’t want to let others down when we know its not the direction that will make us happy.  For me, not saying no leads to a lot of extra running.  When a simple NO could shorten the distance and often save my ‘legs’ for the day. We we find that something we run for there is nothing better and we will continue to run forever

The finish line is a marker that we feel we have to get to and then can stop.  In life we know there’s going to be a finish line.   If we knew the exact distance would it change how we approach it? In life having a running partner makes the results, the pain and happiness so much better.  You’re going to be apart of many relay teams in life but once you find the one where everyone brings out the best in others you look forward to running everyday.

Enjoy your run today and I hope your relay makes you forgot about the finish line!