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Do you look at your title, your job or possibly your name as the definition of you?  Each of these are aspects of you.  Each contribute to you make up of who you are.  Let’s dive deeper into each one and what I feel defines you.

Your title, like many out there I’ve have held many titles.  Most of those however can and have changed.  I had the same position for years, however the title changed three times did that change me or what defines me, no.

Your job, many put all their time and effort into their job. They pull away from other things, typically family to ensure they get their job done and hopefully increase their wage and or move up the corporate ladder to get another title.

If you leave your job or title, the company won’t stop, they will move on without you.  Like many things out there you can be replaced at anytime.

Your name says alot about you.  However, some don’t like their name, they will go by another or outright change their name.  Some may have a difficult relationship with their family and not take pride in their name and what it means. I wear my name like a badge of honor, my name was given to me for a reason.

I will write a blog on each of the above to truly dive into each.

However, for me I feel what defines you more than anything else is your actions.  What do you do to be better?  What do you do to make others around you better?  I stated it many times, everyday my goal is to be better than I was the day before, by doing that I also push myself to help others.  I’m involved in many things each of which is based on improving, helping and growing.

Your title, your job and your name can all change.  However your actions once done can’t be changed.  Make the most of what you do and what defines you.


Enjoy your day,