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I got promised many things growing up, most times when someone promised something I got too excited only to be crushed later when it didn’t happen.   I grew to understand that some promises will never happen and have to accept that. Some people make promises as they feel it is what they have to do to fit it or to make others happy. Others make promises with all intent to keep said promise only to have something happen.   I honestly don’t think most people set out to hurt others or break promises.  Trust is a difficult thing to earn and something even harder to get back when lost.

As a parent the hardest thing to see or hear is someone promise something to your child only to see that promise never happen.   As a parent you try to explain that things happen, people get pulled in different directions with the hope that is truly the case.  These broken promises have led to many conversations some involving tears and questions but ultimately a great life lesson.   When you make a promise, you have to keep it, it may take time and effort but you gave your word.

You can give a lot of things of yourself in life, time, effort and your word are 3 things once given you can’t get back. Make the most of all three.  You never know how much your time, your effort and your words mean to someone until they are gone or broken.

Enjoy your day.