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Almost everyone has had an item that has provided comfort, strength and love to them. For Deuces he had a stuffed animal named PJ, well in fact he had six of them, that are still in his closet. For Z it was a green monkey blanket that somehow disappeared. That was a sad couple of days, we tried to buy a replacement that just didn’t cut it.

That is a common element of our lives. We or others constantly try to replace an important item. The thinking is we can always find a replacement. For somethings there are no replacements.

For me I had toys and items as a child that I cherished however my true comfort item has always been sports. Playing has brought me so many memories and friendships as has coaching. My daily comfort item is the gym. It’s usually the only time I get to myself and a time I can push myself as well as being able to forget about everything around me. I’m able to clear my head, recharge and refocus. My days are also filled with music. I have to have it at my desk, while I’m working out or doing things around the house. Writing has also added an element of comfort for me. I constantly had thoughts and ideas that I let pass. I finally became comfortable with sharing my thoughts.

Some of us still hold onto that comfort item or items. Some still have that blanket or stuffed animal in our room. Some still carry that item with us or go to it in a troubled time. Those special items can never be replaced. There’s still times when we face an obstacle, self doubt and frustration. To be able to have something that gives us comfort and clears our thoughts is special.

I’ve shared my comfort items. I’m curious to see who reads my thoughts. Here’s my chance. Write a comment to this post with your comfort item. Share that item on my Facebook page.

I hope your comfort item still brings you a smile and lights up your day.
