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We’ve all had a time when we were the best option for a role and didn’t get it.  We’ve been told I like you, but not like that.  Some will continue to be persistent in hopes of getting their dream result. Some however, get tired of the no’s and move on.

You may have all the qualities and abilities to be the best at what you’re trying to do.  That doesn’t mean you will be the pick.  Life teaches us more times than not that being the best doesn’t always make you the best person.   How do you stay persistent when you continue to be told no?

The working field and relationships go hand and hand in my thinking today.  You may have someone that on paper is the best fit for you.  Does that always mean you will date/marry?  No, absolutely  not, we have all been a witness.;  be it first hand or from a far of the dreaded “Friend-Zone.”

In both situations how do you handle being told no to something that makes you happy and a role you are best fit for.  All to often we walk away from an opportunity that best fits us and settle.  When we settle we often have doubts, frustration and a hard time letting go of what could have been.   Distance is usually a tool we use, we try to distance from what we were going after.

There is nothing more crushing to a soul than having a dream dashed.  Going out of our comfort zone is something that takes a lot and when we put ourselves out to only be denied it sets us back.  Setbacks, failure and no’s are apart of life.  Does it make them easy to take, NO, but each setback gives us a chance for growth.

For some, NO means nothing.  It’s not a part of their vocabulary.  Each No brings them closer to the next yes.  Persistence may not always pay off but when it does enjoy those moments!

You may not always get what you want.  Don’t let it derail you!  Each day can provide us with a teaching tool and a lesson.   Face them all being you, no matter what happens, continue to be persistent in believing in yourself.

Enjoy your day!