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The idea behind this blog has been a topic that I have wrestled with in my head for a long time. Many times I feel like I failed to live up to what I wanted to be and ultimately feel that has let my family down. I wanted to do more and be able to provide my family with more.  It’s a little selfish as I know others have less, I’ve been blessed in my life to have a great family, great friends and great experiences. My boys have experienced more at their age than I did until i was much older, however I wanted to be able to do more for them.  It may be corny but a person I’m impressed with is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, he had a vision and a plan.  While others may have doubted him, he never did.  He stayed true to who he was and the path he wanted to take.

Are you happy with the path you have taken? I’m happy with where I’m at now, however there are times I do stop at the bumpy parts and take a glance back.  The thought usually occurs is there something I could have changed, what could I have done differently to improve myself and things for my family.  Most of those bumpy parts are caused by money, finances and concerns on both.  Like many I’ve spent the lottery in my head too many times to count.  The first thing I would spend the money on is to be debt free and to build a stronger future for my boys and family.  I always had a dream of buying my parents a new car or house, I’ve been unable to complete that goal. I had the grand illusions early in my life that sports would take me there and help me to better myself.  My skills and ability took me as far as they could.. For years the thought would arise if I would have worked harder or did X, Y or Z I could have went further.  The fact remains to be able to make it at the next level or even the highest of levels you have to be unbelievably talented, have a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed.  There are some that may have pieces of those but never make it or make it just for a short time.

Many people complain from a far that athletes make too much money.  Like anyone else that have a profession, like anyone else they have a price that they feel they deserve.  i can’t begin to imagine the pressure and issues they face on a daily bases.  They can’t go out in public to enjoy their time without being bothered for pictures, autographs and handouts. It’s no lie that a single game check from a professional sport would get my family out of debt and make for a better life.  I’ve been at a job and company for 15 years, when I started there I thought I would be retiring from that company.  In today’s world this job could be gone tomorrow.  As a parent, a husband and head of my household I have to ensure if that happens I have to be able to swallow my pride and do what’s best for my family to succeed.  I’ve made many difficult decisions in my career to make sure I was there for my family.  I changed a career path that I enjoyed to make sure I was home with my family after one of my son’s had a concussion and I had to leave him in the hospital to travel for work.

A career path is a lot like sports;  you work, you prepare and have a game-plan in place to be successful.  A bad day, sickness or the unforeseen can and will occur.  How do you handle those situations?  For some its easy, for others they spend a lifetime  searching and looking for help.  Yes, I want to be able to more for my family.  I wish I could have been better at sports or put more time and effort into school to possibly climb higher on the corporate ladder.  However, at the end of the day, I will take my debt,  I will take my financial struggles because it means I’m home.  I’m apart of my boys and my wife’s life.  When I stop and take a glance back at those bumpy spots it’s Love that keeps me going.

Love never expires, it’s never late and is debt free. Whatever choices you make in life, whatever path you’re on don’t just stop at the bumpy parts.  Enjoy the entire path, love the ones you’re with and the ones you’ll meet. Stop trying to chase the glances back, focus on the path forward and the ones who are walking it with you.

Enjoy your path and your day.