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Are you afraid to be you?

I’ve seen or heard others often say I don’t like to hear my own voice or I don’t like how I look in a photo. We spend our life time worrying about how we look and how others see us. What do you see when you look in the mirror? There are two side to...

Do you ever want to reach your potential?

You hear it all too often, they have a ton of potential.  Or wait till you reach your potential.  We spend a lifetime looking back or planning the future instead of living in the now. As a coach I’ve been guilty of saying it myself, that player has some...

Does winning build winners?

In sports we often hear the phrases;  Win at all costs, Win or go home, and so on.  I could make this post all about winning catchphrases. At the end of day do you have to win to build a winner.  Some will argue yes you have to win, if you’re not a winner...

Are we afraid to compete?

I see it everyday in sports, some are afraid to compete. College sports has become a perfect example as kids continue to transfer from school to school.  A lot of those transfers come as a result of kids feeling a coach lied to them about playing time or because they...

Expectation vs Reality

You hear it all the time, the outfit I brought doesn’t look like it did online.  My favorite is when someone says I bought it because it looked great on them.  I thought it would look great on me. Many time in life our expectation on something doesn’t...