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Trying to be Perfect in an Imperfect World

Many of us strive to be perfect in whatever we do.  However, our expectation is often dashed by the reality that being perfect in an imperfect world is often unreachable.  How do we handle that adversity?  Some take it in stride and try to work harder to reach their...

Would you go back to your youth?

As the days and years of our lives pass there is a common question asked, If you could go back and change something in your life would you? I know I used to get caught up in that thinking when I was younger, I often thought I would love to go back to a moment in High...

Who do you want to be like?

Watching the LL World Series recently and the same question was asked to all the players, who is your favorite player, the analyst then took each player and compared them to a MLB player.  Comparison is something that happens to all of us, be it at work, in your...

Why do we Fear Failure in Sports?

Playing sports today is much different from when I played.  I was driven to be the best that I could, driven to be successful and driven to prove people wrong who doubted me.  Last night I had a great conversation with a parent of one of my baseball kids.  Today a lot...

What is a promise when it’s broken?

I got promised many things growing up, most times when someone promised something I got too excited only to be crushed later when it didn’t happen.   I grew to understand that some promises will never happen and have to accept that. Some people make promises as...